When it rains it rains a river, while reading this it baffled me , as it still does. This story uses a lot of metaphors , somethings you can take literal as well, which made me question is this about one thing or another. This story also used a lot repetition , and it was shared to follow because they didn't say any names. Since this story used a lot repetition it made it's point more clear to the readers. But it also made you wonder why is there so many repetition. It made this story seem like a poem instead of a story.
For instance , "us brothers , we start to sing. We sing and we sing and we do not stop singing until the rain stops drumming down. There was a lot of repetition in this along. This also makes me wonder what the mud was that they were talking about . When he said "us brothers, we drop down, onto our hands and knees , down in the mud, and we began to eat . I thought maybe they were talking abut mud pies., but It could have been something else as we.
Thia story was different , because I felt like it was all over the place, there were no names , everyone was referred to as brother or girl. Was his brother like different friends or was it just one person. But all around it was a pretty good story, especially after you understand, if you can.
ok, good, say more. 15/20