Thursday, June 21, 2012


Sighted , this poem speaks for it's self.  It's  spaces provided a visual story, because it was spaced so far apart. When you read this you are slowed down because of all the spaces , it forces the readers to read slower. It was two characters in this story , the person that the story was being told about and the waiter.  Although the story has I in it, it is not a first person point of view it's told from third person.This story reminds me more of a poem than a story , because of the form and style of it. It doesn't rhyme but because this story is written in this form it reminds me of a poem.  The title of this story flows with what the story is about. This story is very redundant because when the author speaks he puts things in different tenses. So this story could be considered present and past.
In the Garden, this story shocked me. I thought this story was going to be different because of the title. Then it start talking about sex. As I continue to read I was paying attention to the words that she used, it's very intense and since the paragraph is so close together, it makes it go faster so you read it faster.
All together these stories where very good, the style and form of theses poem created it's on imagery.

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